The draft recommendation highlights that several new suburbs in Shepparton have no public transport access, reinforcing residents’ calls for for an improved network to commute for work, education, healthcare and access other essential services.
The report describes the city’s current bus services as “infrequent and indirect”.
The findings support ongoing calls from state Member for Shepparton Kim O’Keeffe, who has repeatedly urged the Victorian Government to review Shepparton’s bus network.
Last month, she tabled a petition in parliament with more than 300 signatures from locals, calling for expanded routes and more frequent services.
“This matter is continually raised by my constituents, who just want to be able to access adequate bus services so they can get to where they need to go,” she said.
“I am pleased that Infrastructure Victoria have also acknowledged our lack of services and have recommended increased bus services for the Shepparton region.
“Infrastructure Victoria’s report once again highlights the urgent need for an overhaul of bus services in our region.
“Their draft report clearly acknowledges that the government should deliver more bus services in the Shepparton region.
“The recommendation shows how Shepparton is being left behind under the current system and the drastic impact this has on our region’s liveability.
“Many people in our community rely on buses to get around, yet the current system is failing them.
“Infrastructure Victoria is an apolitical body; the government should heed its advice and act immediately to improve our local public transport.
“The government now needs to make that happen.
“I will keep fighting for the public transport services we need and ensure our voice is heard on Spring St.”