Fonterra farm source director Matt Watt, Federal Member for Nicholls Sam Birrell and Fonterra chef Mark Normoyle at the Taste of the Basin event in Canberra.
Canberra politicians have been lobbied with argument, documents and debates over Murray-Darling Basin water issues in the past few months.
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But recently, basin constituents tried a gastronomic approach to get attention to the nation’s food bowl.
SPC, Fonterra, HW Greenham & Sons (Tongala) and Fowles Wines (Avenel) were among the producers from across the Murray-Darling Basin who showcased their products during the Taste of the Basin event at Parliament House on November 15.
Federal Member for Nicholls Sam Birrell with Georgia Velt from Fowles Wines at the Taste of the Basin event in Canberra.
Federal Member for Nicholls Sam Birrell said at a time when the Australian Parliament is considering a new basin plan that has enormous ramifications for producers and communities in the basin, it was important to highlight the farmers, companies and workers who are so passionate about what they produce for Australian consumers.
The event was a joint initiative of MPs including Mr Birrell, Deputy Liberal Leader Susan Ley (Farrer, NSW), Tony Pasin (Barker, SA), Dr Anne Webster (Mallee, Victoria), Michael McCormack (Riverina, NSW), Mark Coulton (Parkes, NSW), Nationals Leader David Littleproud (Maranoa, Queensland) and Senator Perin Davey (NSW).
More than 300 people, including MPs and senators from all sides of politics, attended the event and sampled the fine produce drawn from four basin states.
“To her credit, Water Minister Tanya Plibersek came to the event and spoke with a number of producers including SPC and Fonterra,” Mr Birrell said.
“What the event achieved was helping politicians to connect familiar products like SPC snack packs and Perfect Italiano cheese (produced in Stanhope) to the place they are made and the people who proudly make them.”