PREMIUM Sport PDNL preview | Bloods put focus on teamwork By Daniel Webb Mar 28, 2022 Recommitted: Tocumwal's Rose Chamberlain is one of a number of players sticking around for the Bloods. Photo by Rodney Braithwaite COACH: Chanai Johnson Hold tight - we’re checking permissions before loading more content 2021 FINISH: 11TH (6-8) With a new face at the helm and a focus on fun and teamwork, Tocumwal will be looking to climb the ladder this year. Chanai Johnson joins the club as coach with a wealth of experience. “I know that in the past few years we’ve sort of struggled, but I’m super excited, hopefully it’s just a really fun season,” Johnson said. “My goals are to be a whole club, the football, the netball, all grades to really support and really help each other and just get around each other.” Johnson wants her team to be kind, have fun and ultimately compete for the premiership. It should be an interesting year for the Bloods and they certainly shouldn’t be ruled out of finals come season’s end. Sport PDFNL return set to make noise By Daniel Webb Daniel is a passionate sports fan and proud Tasmanian.
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