The world championships will bring the best skiers from around the globe into Mulwala to compete for the chance to be World Champion.
Five countries are checked in with the United States, Canada, Australia and Belgium competing in the teams event and Sweden registering a skier in the individuals with entries closing at the end of February.
Australian World Show Skiing coach and local waterskiing champion Pete O’Neill said this is a water-skiers dream event not to be missed.
“The best water skiers from around the world will head to Mulwala to show off their skills in action-packed performances,” Mr O’Neill said.
“Think theatre on water mixed with spectacular stunts with ballet, ski jump, wake board, barefoot, pyramids, swivel skiing and more to be on display.’’
Individuals will compete on March 21 with swivel skiing, where skiers get five minutes to show off their skills to the judges, doubles, where one skier holds up another and they perform a five minute routine and jump where skiers get three jumps to do the best trick they can do — as big as possible.
Team training will take place from March 18-20 from 8am to 6pm with the teams event to be held on March 22 and 23.
This will see countries performing an hour-long show where they are judged on many criteria from difficulty, to execution to production and costumes.
“There are over 150 competitors registered and the town will see them arrive on March 14,’’ Mr O’Neill said.
“The Australian team has 35 skiers, which is the maximum we are allowed to have, as well as 10 individuals competing in their divisions. Of the team, 21 of them are locals.”