The Pirates will begin try-outs and training mid-year. Photo: File.
While the winter season is not traditionally Echuca Basketball Association’s peak time, the club anticipates a busy period filled with plenty of on-court action.
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Now that the representative and summer domestic competitions are winding down, club president Lisa Baker and EBA are looking ahead to an exciting winter.
Scheduled to begin on Monday, May 12, the winter domestic season will see teams allocated into different divisions depending on skill level go head-to-head.
“We have got strong numbers for our winter competition which is perfect,” Baker said.
“Our winter competition used to be the one that dropped off, but in the last few years it has been rivalling our summer competitions, which is great for our club.
“It is good to complement it with the footy and netball season, keeping a round-ball in hand throughout the winter to go along with these other sports.”
There will be plenty of domestic competition action this winter. Photo: Oliver Shedden.
Photo by
Oliver Shedden
EBA will once again field representative Pirates squads, with junior try-outs for next season taking place in July.
The Pirates will also feature in the CBL once more with the club pushing to make a women’s representative side as well, with that competition beginning in August.
“We are trying our best to get a women’s team going this season for reps because it would be great for us to get in that competition,” Baker said.
The Aussie Hoops for junior boys and girls aged five to seven years old will be held for 45 minutes on Wednesdays to develop skills before playing in competition.
The under-10 program for junior boys and girls aged seven to nine years old will also be held for 45 minutes on Wednesdays, which includes warm-up skills followed by drills for game development and modified matches.
With division levels to suit everybody across any age group, EBA is an ideal choice for your winter sporting fix. Photo: Matthew Kappos
Photo by
Matthew Kappos
The club is remaining consistent with its committee and will provide a stable platform for the EBA to continue to grow in the region.
Baker highlighted the excitement surrounding the winter season, particularly with the domestic competition as well as combines and training for representative competitions later in the year.
“We’ll have a few weeks off to refresh ourselves, and then we will be ready to go again for another exciting season,” she said.
If you are interested in playing in the Echuca Basketball Association’s domestic competition, keep an eye on itsFacebook pagefor more details.