Andy Arthur received life membership, and took home the A-grade bowling award.
Andy Arthur was celebrated in fantastic fashion at theTocumwal Cricket Club’s 2024/25 Senior Cricket Presentation.
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The club stalwart and playing champion was bestowed a prestigious life membership by existing life member Rod Meloury.
Peter Harrison was also rewarded for his dedication to the club across junior and senior cricket during the season, with the Club Person of the Year award.
Another clubman singled out was Brandon Meloury, who was recognised for winning several Murray Valley Cricket Association awards.
This included becoming the first Tocumwal player to be awarded the league’s C-grade Best and Fairest, the A & C Owen Shield (with 12 votes).
Brandon also claimed the C-grade Batting Average award (with 321 runs at an average of 53.50) and C-grade Most Valuable Player (with 47.10 points).
He also featured heavily in the Toc club’s awards.
Results from the presentation, by grade, are as follows:
Best and Fairest - Andrew Lean.
Runner-up Best and Fairest - Cooper Harris.
Runner-up Best and Fairest - Liam Sutton.
Batting Average - Reilly Rennick.
Bowling Average - Andy Arthur.
Captain’s Award - Rodney Meloury.
Most Improved - Liam Sutton.
Best and Fairest - Brandon Meloury.
Runner-up Best and Fairest - Lachie McDonald.
Batting Average - Brandon Meloury.
Bowling Average - Lachie McDonald.
Captain’s Award - Declan Cameron.
Most Improved - Kurt Chouffot.
Andrew Lean was named the A-grade Best & Fairest for 2025.
Brandon Meloury absolutely swept the pool in C-grade, winning C- grade Best & Fairest, Batting Average, MVCA Awards A & C Owen Medal, Batting Average and Most Valuable Player.
Cooper Harris was the A-grade Best & Fairest runner-up for 2025.
Cooper Harris was named runner-up in the A-grade Best & Fairest and won the Most Improved award for 2025.
Reilly Rennick was awarded the batting average award for 2025 in A-grade.
Lachie McDonald was the C-grade Best & Fairest runner-up and won the bowling average award.
Declan Cameron took out the 2024/25 Captain's Award in the C-grade.
Kurt Chouffot was the C-grade Most Improved for 2025.
Peter Harrison was named the club's Club Person of the Year for 2025.
Rod Meloury won the A-grade 2024/25 Captain's Award.
Liam Sutton and Cooper Harris were both runner's up in the 2024/25 A-grade best and fairest.
Rod Meloury presenting Andy Arthur with his life membership of the Tocumwal Cricket Club.