GVU3A secretary Elizabeth Lee said the exhibition was an opportunity for seniors to extend themselves and create new skills.
“These two days will be a chance for our seniors to create new skills and extend themselves into the community, which is important," Ms Lee said.
Both days will include planning craft shows and photography activities, and a ukulele group will perform for the public.
“We also have craft activities, photography activities and our ukulele group, which started in 2020, which has come leaps and bounds with the group performing regularly and cannot wait to perform in the coming weeks."
GVU3A president Rita Bloomfield said the art exhibition was a chance to allow seniors to express themselves.
“It will be a great day as it will give seniors the chance to express themselves to the general public, which is highly important for seniors to know they are accepted in the community," Ms Bloomfield said.
On both days, the public will have a chance to purchase the artwork on display.
“We are excited for the upcoming days, and the public will have an opportunity to purchase the artwork from the seniors who have provided us some amazing works for both days," Ms Lee said.
The event will be held at 14 Esson St, Shepparton.