A 32-year-old Goulburn Valley woman pleaded guilty in Shepparton Magistrates’ Court to trespassing and criminal damage.
Prosecutor Senior Constable Kerrie Thomson said the woman and her partner broke into a Numurkah house on December 13, 2023, after they missed an open home inspection for the property.
Sen Constable Thomson said the woman told police they were interested in renting the property and were walking past it at about 9pm after missing the inspection earlier in the day.
They then removed a fly screen and forced open a window and door to get inside, the court heard.
The couple drank cans of cider while sitting on milk crates they had brought with them.
They left behind empty cider cans and the milk crates, along with pink and purple stains on the carpet.
The woman told police she was “upset” they missed the open house, and her partner had told her the back door was open.
She admitted to drinking cider in the lounge room, but said she didn’t know how the carpet became damaged.
Representing herself in court, the woman said her mental health plan was being reviewed.
The woman was placed on an adjourned undertaking to be of good behaviour for 12 months, with a condition that she continue seeking medical help.