Presentation at Orrvale
A musical evening, not the least pleasing of the many that have been held by the members of the above company, took place on Friday when Mr and Mrs Konig, the conductor and accompanist of the Orrvale Choral Society, were the recipients of an enlarged photograph presented to them by the members.
In making the presentation the “Pirate King”, Mr G. Foster, made mention of the great sacrifice their guests had made in sparing no effort to bring about the spirit that existed between the members of the company, and it was only because Mr and Mrs Konig were filled with the enthusiasm of music that such success had been attained.
Mr Konig on rising, was greeted with wholehearted applause.
In reply, he stated that the presentation had come as a complete surprise to him and his wife.
He thanked them most sincerely for their tribute, and assured them that nothing could have pleased them better than having the photo of the group.
He would treasure it as long as he lived, and the kindly sentiments expressed by Mr Foster would ever be remembered by Mrs Konig and himself.
During the evening the Shepparton orchestra, under Mr J. Scully, rendered selections which were greatly appreciated, as also were songs by — Mr James, Pilgrim of Love; Mrs Baker, The Four Leaved Clover; Mr Van Staveren, Mountain Lovers (encored); and Mr Ebbott, Come to the Fair.
The company also rendered some of their choruses, viz., “Here’s a First-rate Opportunity”; the “Policeman’s Chorus” and the chorus of girls.
Throughout the evening, Miss Ella Kittle, of Shepparton, acted as accompaniste in her usual efficient manner.
The photo, enlargement and framing were the work of the Toska Studios, and Mr N. Colliver’s artistic work was much admired.