Pics From The Past
Pics from the Past | Mooroopna’s hospital: from huts to healthcare hub
Mooroopna and District Hospital Part 2
We are continuing on from last week’s history about the Mooroopna Hospital, which was built in 1876.
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The News in December 1918 featured a full-page story about the hospital’s history from 1876 to 1918.
The photos shown here were on the front page and were taken by N. ‘Col’ Colliver of the Toska Studio in Wyndham St.
Here are some excerpts.
“Pioneers are generally big-hearted, and those of the Goulburn Valley were no exception to the rule.
They helped one another freely, these sturdy folk of the early days, who had set themselves to the task of carving homes out of the wilderness, and as kindness was extended to and received from neighbours, it engendered kindly feeling towards all and sundry; anything which might tend towards the relief of suffering was sure to receive the sympathy of the pioneers.
Thus, almost from the earliest attempt at agricultural settlement in the Valley, it seems to have been recognised that a hospital of some sort, in as central a position as possible, ought to be provided.
But our first settlers were not of the class to content themselves with the admission that a thing should be done — they got to work and did it.
If not as well as they would have liked, at least as well as the conditions under which they found themselves would permit.
And the conditions prevailing over the greater portion of the Goulburn Valley when, nearly half a century ago, its people mooted the idea of a hospital, were undeniably primitive.
The virgin soil was covered with heavy box timber, and the roads which the government had surveyed were, in many cases, unfenced, while the facilities were mainly of the roughest description.
But a township, of a sort, had sprung up somehow where Mooroopna now stands, its site being apparently determined in great part by a punt used as a ferry across the Goulburn, a short distance above the site of the present bridge.
Mooroopna, therefore, was the first hospital of the Goulburn Valley, founded in the year 1876, and at Mooroopna does the Goulburn Valley hospital yet stand.
The above illustration of the old Mooroopna hospital will probably provoke a smile, more especially when we are told that the door of the smaller room of the hut bore the word ‘Dispensary’.
But such smiles are allowable.
For in few cases will they be accompanied by the sneers which bespeak minds unable to read the many lessons which the photograph of the rude old building suggests?
No sensible person derides first attempts or ridicules such cases as this.
For in the picture of the primitive old building may be seen, clearly displayed, by those whose heart vision is equal to it, the outward and visible sign of the spirit which animated the Good Samaritan, and all his successive imitators since the time his matchless story was told.
Photo: From left to right, the men who appear in the picture are Mr Mark Phillips, Mr James Martin, Mr Egbert Florance, and Mr Michael Kavanagh.
The illustrations we give of its present appearance, though they form an impressive contrast to what it looked like at first, do not, and cannot, go far enough.
For the Mooroopna hospital is built ‘all over the place’ if we may be permitted the use of an expressive colloquialism, and to get an adequate idea of its size we should require a bird’s-eye view, facilities for getting which were not available to Mr Colliver, our up-to-date photographer.
But when we say that Mooroopna hospital began in 1876, with four patients; that in 1892 the number of indoor patients had risen to 490, with a daily average of 43; while last year the indoor patients numbered 1211, with a daily average of 56, we have surely furnished a perfect statement of the marvellous growth of an institution of which every dweller in the Goulburn Valley may well be proud.
It was not long until the hospital began to grow in response to the increasing calls upon it, and it is interesting to trace its development through the medium of the earliest reports now available.
In 1876, as has been said, there were four patients for the whole year, and we are gravely informed that no record was kept of the daily average.
During 1877, there were altogether 24 patients, and again there is no mention of the daily average.
In 1878, there were 95 patients, giving a daily average of seven, and thenceforward the numbers steadily increased, until in 1885 there were 354 patients for the year, with a daily average of 33.
The year 1885 was an important one in the history of the institution, as may be seen from the reports of the late Mr Michael Kavanagh, and Dr C. J. Trood, the medical superintendent.
Mr Kavanagh congratulates all concerned on the progress of the hospital and makes special mention of the erection of a brick laundry, fitted with all the appliances then thought up-to-date for carrying on its work.
During this year, the male ward had also been doubled in size by taking down the south wall and spending £280 on enlargement work.
A refractory ward had been ordered, with separate padded compartments for male and female patients, and it is stated that in all new hospital buildings, brick was thenceforth to be used.”
(Shepparton Advertiser 1947 excerpt): “The hospital advanced to the status of a base hospital in 1935 and in 1936 a big forward movement was undertaken in the demolishing of some of the older portions and the erection of new up-to-date buildings.
The new works consisted of administrative offices, boardroom, lecture hall, dining rooms, store rooms, laboratory, X-ray unit, and doctors’ residence, besides new male and female wards, children’s ward, dispensary and outpatients’ departments — these are all on the ground boor.
On the first floor there are two operating theatres, male and female surgical wards, intermediate male and female wards (which treat private cases at a moderate charge) and maternity wards, bringing the accommodation to 206 beds.
Contracts have been let for the above at about £29,000.
The nurses’ quarters are also being enlarged at a cost of £5000 so that each nurse will have a single bedroom.“
More photos next week.
Geoff Allemand is an amateur photographer and Lost Shepparton Facebook page admin. Please share your Pics from the Past at
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