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Pics from the Past | Campbell’s Soups: a red letter day!
Campbell’s Soups
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(The News July 18, 1960)
Giant new industry planned for Lemnos
It will benefit all G.V. says mayor
“A red letter day for the Valley” was the comment of the Mayor of Shepparton (Cr. L.W.P. Gribble).
“What good news it is to hear that Campbell’s Soups (Australia) Pty. Ltd. is to establish a factory in this, the greatest area of intensive and diversified primary production in Australia,” he said.
Campbell’s is a vast food processing company of the U.S.A. and has decided to open up business in Australia.
It is a big thing for the economy of the area and we, here, are indeed fortunate that Shepparton has been chosen as the site location of its enterprise.
“The Shepparton City Council, in common with other local public authorities, has always striven to make Shepparton a desirable place in which to live and a magnet to draw others, particularly industrialists, to come and share the good conditions which we of the city and surrounding district enjoy and thus help stabilise and prosper the livelihood of those who live here and those who come to live amongst us,” he said.
“From the very outset of the negotiations which councillors had with representatives of the company, it was clear that the attractiveness of Shepparton together with the potential of the surrounding irrigation districts, were irresistible to those fact-finding representatives,” Cr Gribble continued.
“In addition, the willing co-operation of the Urban Water Trust and the Shepparton Sewerage Authority in the matters of the supply of ample top quality water and the disposal of trade and waste effluent respectively were vital important factors which finally clinched the company’s decision to come to Shepparton.
“Looking about four miles east of the city in the Lemnos district, the Shire Council was unremitting in its endeavours to comply with the company’s requirements, particularly a promised increase of abattoir capacity.
“All these efforts added up to teamwork, each authority contributing its share to achieve the desired result.
“The company may be assured that the installation of public facilities to provide the vital requirements to serve the company’s project will be pushed ahead with the utmost dispatch.”
Cr Gribble added that the “man on the land” would appreciate that the coming of this industry to the Goulburn Valley will provide an outlet for increased primary production, not only in local districts but also further afield, and will enhance rural prosperity.
“Also it is particularly important to understand that the labour supply for this great industry will be drawn from a widely spread area,” he added.
“Efficient passenger transport to neighbouring centres of population will bring the benefits of increased employment to them as well as to business in those centres.
“It is indeed a red letter day for the Valley.”
‘The Fields’, the site selected by Campbell’s Soups (Australia) Pty. Ltd., is an historic landmark at Lemnos.
For many years, the property was in the possession of the family of Erwin O.A. Hicken until acquired about eight years ago.
In recent years it was owned by Mr A.V. Moore, of Wyndham St.
The sale was negotiated by Mr F.J. Edwards, of the Shepparton office of John McNamara & Co.
Lost Shepparton Facebook comments:
Martin Winters
It was one of the best places that I have ever worked in. Great times.
Malcolm Woodhouse
Loved working there in the ’80s. Great work, great people, top food products.
Dean Wallden
As kids, we were told the big can on the tower was full of soup!
Bill Winters
My first job was at the lab there — was told if I worked hard I could go to the top of the ladder. As we passed the tower with the big can, the then boss pointed to the top.
Heather Estrada
From being a tour guide out there years ago, I think the big can held 250 thousand gallons of water in it.
Trevor Newman
The reason my parents moved to Shepp in the ’60s, dad worked there for years.
Phill Salter
My father Leo worked at Campbell’s. Production manager, I believe, until he passed away suddenly in ’77. I remember as a kid the Christmas family days they held in the grounds outside the factory.
Louise Tricarico
Dad worked for Utah, the American company who built Campbell’s Soups. There was a lot of employment in Shepparton at the time.
Sona Ahmat
Yes my family worked there and getting the dented tins of soup cheap.
Margaret Ryan
I remember the excitement at that time — such a big international company coming to Shepparton was quite a coup.
Peter T Herriman
I did my steam ticket time on the boilers at Campbell’s when my father worked there in the early 60.
Geoff Allemand is an amateur photographer and Lost Shepparton Facebook page admin. Please share your Pics from the Past at
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