I recognise that children were taken away from their parents.
However, as a nation, we should not be held to ransom for past government matters, as we elected them.
We could look into the past about many things — governments make mistakes — but the people should not have to pay for them. It is the people's money.
The future is in the future.
When Kevin Rudd made an apology to the Aboriginal people, he did it on behalf of the government.
In his statement, he said that the Indigenous people of this land are the oldest continuing culture in human history, which, I believe, is incorrect.
However, he also said:
“A future where all Australians, whatever their origins, are treated truly as equal partners, with equal opportunity and with an equal stake in shaping the next chapter in the history of this great country, Australia.”
I could go back into past history, but the water has already gone under the bridge and out to sea.
We cannot bring back the past, but we can secure the future and enjoy what we can do for the present. Compensation is not the answer.
Have a happy day.