PREMIUM Opinion Letter to the editor | Don’t bake, protect your kids from the sun! By Letter to the Editor Jan 30, 2025 Letter to the editor. Photo by Megan Fisher Maggie Turner-Miguel, Shepparton Hold tight - we’re checking permissions before loading more content Emma Glassenbury, Head of SunSmart, Cancer Council Victoria, recently wrote about issues of skin damage caused by solariums and sunshine. There is so much information out there now to educate people on the dangers of sunburn, and yet it is not uncommon to see people still baking. I have a view to a footy oval where people are often kicking the ball around while shirtless in full sun. You can’t put an old head on young shoulders, and in my youth we were encouraged to go outside and get a tan to look healthy. We lathered the oil on our skin and spent all day at a pool or a beach. But nobody was any wiser. My retirement nest egg now goes to dermatologists and others for treatments. If you decide to bake, I’m not sure I have sympathy for you because you have knowledge at your disposal. But please do not inflict it on your children. Protect them at all costs. Later treatment is not a pleasant path. By Letter to the Editor Letter to the Editor
Opinion Reel life | Rivers, streams and lakes: your autumn fishing guideAction is heating up in both fresh and saltwater. By Kevin Tyler
Opinion Letter to editor | Cost-of-living crisis continues to bite north-east animalsFrom St Kilda to Wodonga and everywhere in between, people are struggling, and when people are struggling, their pets are affected. By Letter to the Editor
Opinion Opinion | Go-karting: from humble beginnings to elite sport“Elite go-karting has become both maniacally competitive and wildly expensive.” By Robert McLean
Opinion Words in action | First Peoples’ art shines at Melbourne Art FairThere was excitement to be part of this special new event. By Words in Action