It was built by Barry Wilson, Craig Knight and Brad Carlon with a new lower deck close to the water level. This wharf is great for public viewing of the lake and is also used for the radio -controlled model boat regattas run by the board president Craig Knight.
At the AGM the executive positions were re-elected, with Craig Knight as president, John Lacy as secretary and Barry Wilson as treasurer.
The meeting was told three regattas were held during the year with members travelling large distances.
Murray Irrigation Limited was contacted by Craig Knight about the erection of a rock wall next to the wharf to prevent erosion. It was quickly erected and is greatly appreciated by the board, which thanked MIL for supplying rocks and the excellent design of the wall.
The owner of the Finley Lake surrounds is Crown Lands NSW with Berrigan Shire Council (BSC) using the lake water as a backup water supply.
Many people walk or ride the 1.8km around the lake to take in the seat view.
The board, all volunteers, keep the lake tidy by mowing the turf, pruning the trees, watering new trees and spraying social weeds Fleabane, Khaki weed and Caltrop which have nasty spines.
At the western end is the Finley Social Aquatic Ski Club which is very popular in summer particularly with families as children can safely ski or be pulled on floats. If an adult or child falls off it is a simple U turn process to reset them in the water.
During the year John Lacy received a 30 year certificate of services recognition and Brad Carlon a 20 year certificate of services recognition.
The board is still waiting to hear about the funding applications for the Lake Master Plan. Both applications were submitted by BSC. One project is for de-silting and deepening the lake and stabilising the banks and constructing an island. The other application, ‘Finley Lake Precinct Recreation Revitalisation’, will provide a new playground, new Galleon, amenities and visitor information kiosk with pontoon decking on the Newell side.
The board hopes BSC is advised in 2025 that it has been successful with the funding applications.
The board is always on the lookout for new members to help manage the lake. Interested people can phone secretary John Lacy 0427 311 821.