“I’ve no doubt many more people, particularly kids, will be attracted to it and enjoy it,” he said of the playground structure alongside the pump track for bike riders.
“It’s an active, naturally inclined space which is now much bigger and we’re grateful for Indigo council’s involvement.”
Indigo council’s project manager Owen Kerlin said the installation of additional play equipment, including monkey bars and large logs, has a focus on universal design principles and nature play.
“This extension will cater for the growing number of children and young people in the Wahgunyah community and greatly enhance the playground experience by increasing the number of play elements available,” he said.
In 2024, Indigo Shire Council successfully secured funding through Regional Development Victoria’s Tiny Towns Fund for three projects within the shire.
The Tiny Towns Fund supports local communities to deliver quality tourism and community facility projects, such as splash parks and bike trails, playgrounds, community hall and library upgrades and public art. Grants of between $5,000 and $50,000 were available and towns with populations below 5,000 people were eligible to apply.
Council appointed a contractor to undertake the project which was budgeted at $66,903. With council receiving grant funding of $50,000, its actual cost to the project was $16,903.
“We're also planning additional improvements to the Railway Reserve over the summer including car park resurfacing works, drainage improvements, a new concrete footpath linking the shelter/ toilet facilities to the pump track, water bubbler installation and new bins,” Mr Kerlin said. “These works will mostly be funded through our operational maintenance budget.”