Final housing targets for Victorian councils have been announced by the state government.
Photo by
Ryan Bellingham
The Victorian Government has announced it will strip councils of planning powers if they don’t try to meet housing targets.
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Premier Jacinta Allan and planning minister Sonya Kilkenny made the announcement alongside the release of final housing capacity targets for councils.
“It’s simple — work with us to unlock space for more homes, or we’ll do it for you,” Ms Allan said.
“We’re in a housing crisis and the status quo is not an option. It’s time to shake things up.”
If councils do not attempt to reach their set target, the government will intervene to create space for new homes, including through rezoning.
Campaspe Shire Council has a target of 4500 or more additional homes by 2051, while Gannawarra Shire Council’s target is an additional 850 or more in the same period.
The Echuca West Precinct Structure Plan is expected to cater for up to 5000 dwellings alone in Campaspe.
Other developments across the municipality are likely to ensure the target is reached by 2051, according to a Campaspe Shire Council spokesperson.
Eighty-eight lots have been made available at the Echuca Fields development.
Photo by
Ryan Bellingham
“We are confident that there is sufficient land zoned for housing available in the shire to allow developers to subdivide land and construct dwellings to meet these targets,” the spokesperson said.
Gannawarra Shire Council chief executive Geoff Rollinson said the region has seen steady population growth, reversing previous trends.
Mr Rollinson said the council is well-positioned to meet housing demand with strategic residential planning.
“Our Urban Growth Strategy identifies positive economic and population trends driven by key industries such as agriculture, renewable energy, and the upcoming VHM Mineral Sands project,” he said.
“Council remains committed to sustainable development that balances economic opportunity with community needs and environmental considerations.”
Since draft housing targets were released last year, the government has met with every council in the state to determine final targets.
Victoria needs 2.24 million new homes in the next 30 years to meet ownership and rental demands, according to the government.
The targets call for around 560,000 homes to be built in regional Victoria by 2051, with over one third of that number set for Bendigo, Ballarat, and Greater Geelong.