Sacred Heart College’s class of 1968 gathered in Seymour on February 23, 27 years after its last reunion. Photos: Wayne Herring.
Photo by
Wayne Herring
It has been 27 years since the Sacred Heart College Class of 1968 last gathered.
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In 1901, Sacred Heart College opened for primary and secondary students.
Alongside the college was St Mary’s Convent School, which began in 1880 out of the ‘old church’, later known as the parish hall, which was demolished in March 2000.
In 1946, the primary classes from the college merged with those of St Mary’s and the college proceeded with providing secondary education in classrooms which were part of the original convent building.
It wasn’t until 1988 that the two schools formed into St Mary’s College, which is what we know it as today.
Dee O’Brien, Sue Hadley, Jenny Salkeld, Anita McPherson, Annette McKay, Lynne Morgan, Angie Davie, Leanne Parry, Carmel Munari and Jackie Irvine were all happy to catch up since their last meeting in 1998.
Photo by
Wayne Herring
On February 23, the class of 1968 came together for a special reunion at the Seymour Club.
Organised by Carmel Munari, with help from Jackie Irvine, Angie Davie and Lynne Morgan, the celebration resulted in a large turnout, with previous students coming all the way from Queensland, Western Australia and even the US to get together in Seymour.
“Everybody was just really happy to see everyone,” Ms Munari said.
“It was just a really good reunion.
“Not one person said anything against it, they all said the same thing, they were just happy to see each other.”
Some of those in attendance still reside in Seymour, however many are spread far and wide.
Despite the distance, along with the length in time since they all last saw one another, Ms Munari said members of the class of 1968 still all seemed to have a special connection with each other.
Sacred Heart College’s class of 1968 members (back from left) Bill Burns, Nick Munari, Brian Sloan, Terry O’Dwyer, Kevin Auton, Attila Sygetti, Peter O’Keefe; (middle) Paul O'Brien, John Williamson, Paul O’Connor, Anthony Ryan, Adrian Fuhrmann, Bill O’Connor and (front) Ray Stomann.
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“On the day, we were just so happy to see each other,” Ms Munari said.
“It was like there was a sort of a bond because we all started at such a young age.”
With their last reunion held in 1998, Ms Munari said they all had a lot of catching up to do, and that one of the biggest takeaways of the gathering was that they shouldn’t wait so long to see each other again.
“Everybody wants to get together a little more frequently,” Ms Munari said.
“If you don’t make an effort to see people now, there might not be another chance.”