Roads and Road Safety Minister Melissa Horne has responded to calls by concerned residents.
Photo by
Rodney Braithwaite
Further details have emerged over the timeline for works planned for a notorious Strathmerton intersection.
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The site has been the focus of community concerns over road safety following a deadly collision in 2023 that claimed the lives of five people.
In response to a constituency question by state Member for Northern Victoria Rikkie-Lee Tyrrell, Roads and Road Safety Minister Melissa Horne confirmed development and design activities for the intersection were almost complete.
“Construction is anticipated to start in mid-2025, pending weather conditions,” Ms Horne said.
Electronic advanced warning signs, rumble strips and a splitter island are some of the upgrades the Department of Transport and Planning will implement as part of the project.
Ms Horne said the works would likely take six weeks to complete.
“Road safety is a high priority for the Allan Labor Government and this project will deliver an important safety upgrade for road users of the intersection,” she said.
A Department of Transport and Planning spokesperson reiterated road safety was of high priority.
The intersection has been the focus of sustained community concern.
“We are working with Moira Shire to deliver safety upgrades at the Labuan Rd/Murray Valley Hwy intersection between Strathmerton and Yarroweyah,” the spokesperson said.
State Member for Northern Victoria Rikkie-Lee Tyrrell embraced the announcement, saying she was relieved to see her constituents’ concerns addressed.
“I’m really happy that we’ve finally got a finishing line in sight,” she said.
But Mrs Tyrrell questioned whether the project would include works to remove the hump that crosses Labuan Rd near the intersection.
The hump forms what was once part of the Shepparton-Cobram railway line.
In a further statement, a Department of Transport and Planning spokesperson confirmed the redundant train line (hump) on Labuan Rd would be removed as part of the project to give drivers improved vision of the approaching intersection.