Cobram SES Unit controller Luke Herezo.
Photo by
Gabriel Garcia
What do you do when the floodwaters rise? Who do you call first?
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Your chance to have all your emergency-related questions answered is approaching this weekend.
On Saturday, March 29, the Cobram SES Unit is hosting an open day with the Cobram CFA and Shepparton Search and Rescue.
Cobram SES Unit controller Luke Herezo said he’d like the community to take the chance to get an understanding of the work done by emergency services.
“We try to be in the community as much as possible,” he said.
“That’s why the Cobram unit has such a strong community engagement team.
“It’s to bridge that gap of the unknown. And that’s what the open day’s for: to show what we have and who we are.”
Funded through a Moira Shire Community Strengthening Grant, everything at the open day — from coffee to a sausage on bread — is free for attendees.
There’ll be demonstrations on everything from ring cutting and door and window storm repair to rope and knot tying.
The event comes after the Cobram SES Unit reached the grim milestone of 35 road accident responses last year, compared to the average of around 10 per year.
As such, volunteers from the Cobram SES will also give a free demonstration of how emergency services approach a vehicle in a road accident, alongside how a vehicle extrication is performed safely.
But there’ll be even more on offer.
Cobram SES Unit controller Luke Herezo, Tim Ivone, Jai Draper and Kate Goldsmith.
Photo by
Owen Sinclair
“What we’ll be teaching at the open day is the first 72 hours, which one of our members, Kate [Goldsmith], developed with the Moira and Alpine shires,” Mr Herezo said.
“It covers not just storms, floods and road accidents. It also covers fires, tsunamis and things like Japanese encephalitis.”
Meanwhile, if you’re thinking of getting involved with the SES or CFA, there’s no better chance to find out what’s involved in joining up than the open day.
The open day will be held at the Cobram SES Unit at 21 Cobram-Koonoomoo Rd, Cobram, from 10am to 2pm on Saturday, March 29.