Powering up: Of the 34,650 pole replacements or reinforcements to be done in the next five years, about 1500 will be in the Shepparton region and 880 in the Cobram region.
Electricity distributor Powercor will roll out a program to replace or reinforce 7000 power poles a year from January 1, 2022, marking a significant shift in how network safety is proactively managed.
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Of the 34,650 pole replacements or reinforcements to be done in the next five years, about 1500 will be in the Shepparton region and 880 in the Cobram region.
The program involves a 65 per cent increase in the number of poles replaced or reinforced annually and will co-ordinate with other regional asset maintenance activities in the next five years.
Powercor’s head of major projects and maintenance Marcus Olive said the expanded program was part of an updated Bushfire Mitigation Plan, currently before Energy Safe Victoria for approval.
“This program is an essential part of building a stronger and safer network,” he said.
“With climate change, we are likely to experience higher winds, fiercer storms and a greater risk of bushfires.
“This program will help our network to be more resilient and able to fight the impacts of these extreme weather events on customers.”
Powering up: Of the 34,650 pole replacements or reinforcements to be done in the next five years, about 1500 will be in the Shepparton region and 880 in the Cobram region.
The Bushfire Mitigation Plan sets out a commitment to replace or reinforce at least 6930 poles a year for the next five years.
Mr Olive said the extensive program of works would be planned on a region-by-region basis and co-ordinated with other maintenance activities such as the replacement of pole-top assets like cross-arms, insulators and power lines.
“By bundling multiple jobs into works packages, we can minimise the impact on customers to get greater network safety and reliability outcomes,” he said.
“We will be notifying customers in advance of any works and letting them know if and when power outages are required to allow time for them to be prepared.”