Best friends: Willow and Bella Jafer.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Seven years ago, Bella Jafer saw an eight-week-old puppy advertised; little did she know that this dog would become her pride and joy.
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Willow, a golden retriever, turns eight in December.
“I got her in 2015. She was eight weeks old,” Ms Jafer said.
During her first few days in the region, Willow was nameless as Ms Jafer struggled to find a name she liked.
Eventually, “after going back and forth, we were sitting at Thai Orchid, we looked outside and there was a willow tree”, Ms Jafer said.
This was the beginning of Ms Jafer’s love for her perfect dog with the perfect name.
Willow is a passionate swimmer; however, she is terrified of running water.
“She loves swimming (but) she runs off if she sees a tap, a hose or the shower,” Ms Jafer said.
“She only likes water she can walk into and once she’s in you can’t get her out.”
Fur-bulous: Bella Jafer with her cute dog, Willow.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
While many pets love their favourite toy, Willow doesn’t have one.
“Every toy you give her, she just chews to pieces,” Ms Jafer said.
“She did have a fur toy golden retriever named Chanel, and it was her favourite thing.
“She carried it around and slept with it every night but (eventually) she destroyed it.”
Ms Jafer said Chanel was Willow’s longest-lasting toy, remaining intact for six months.
Parched: Willow quenches her thirst.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
If you think you’ve seen Willow around town, the chances are you probably have, especially if you frequent the Terminus Hotel, as this is Willow’s go-to restaurant.
“Willow’s favourite place to eat is the Termi in Shepparton. When you’re in the car taking her there she starts yelping of excitement when she sees the car park,” Ms Jafer said.
If she’s not at the Terminus, Willow enjoys a delicious meal at her Orrvale home.
“She’s never refused any food, her current diet is a raw food diet so she’s pretty spoilt,” Ms Jafer said.
Ms Jafer said Willow was kind and loving. However, at times she can be a “bit of a show off (and) sassy”; nevertheless, even with Willow’s ‘faults’, Ms Jafer is obsessed with her dog.
“I love everything about her,” she said.
Good girl: Willow is a seven-year-old golden retriever.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Shake: Bella Jafer and Willow share a firm handshake.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Prancing: Willow enjoys the sunshine.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit
Gone with the wind: Willow racing around the park.
Photo by
Rechelle Zammit