“There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28 NIV).
This scripture, spoken by the Apostle Paul, tells us we are all one in Christ.
The world puts labels on us, but the moment we come to Christ, he rips them off.
There is no hierarchy in God’s kingdom - he sees us all as equal.
We have equal access to the Father through Jesus.
No one person’s prayers carry any more weight than another’s.
Jesus doesn’t judge us by our outward appearance, the colour of our skin, our gender or status, he simply looks at the heart of each person.
Our oneness in Christ comes through our faith and obedience to Him.
When we come to Christ he opens the door of endless possibilities.
He sees us as new creations and we can choose to unburden ourselves from the labels the world has placed on us and step into the future he has ordained for us.
~ Contributed by J Robertson of the Jerilderie Uniting Church.