Cobram Barooga Golf Club superintendent Terry Vogel.
Photo by
Owen Sinclair
For this Barooga identity, the grass is always greener on his side of the fence.
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On March 18, greenkeeper Terry Vogel marked 40 years’ with the Cobram Barooga Golf Club.
Since 1985, he’s worked for the club as an apprentice, a superintendent, a foreman and leading man on the greens.
While his career has had its own share of ups and downs, the different roles have afforded Terry enough variety in his work.
Terry said the club has been his life.
“This is home. It’s where I’ve come every day, basically, for the last 40 years,” he said.
Terry was a bright-eyed 16-year-old when he answered an ad for a bowling green apprenticeship back in 1985.
“Like a lot of people who leave school early, I wasn’t much of a student,” he said.
A member of the club since 10 years of age, Terry always knew his sport was golf.
Usually, the superintendent’s day starts at 6am, when he meets with his leadership team to plan the day ahead.
After delegating roles and tasks, Terry goes about his own.
When he’s not on the greens mowing, trimming or watering on the job, someone’s usually ringing him for advice or otherwise.
“It has its moments,” he said.
“You’ve got to deal with all sorts of situations that a supervisor has to deal with, but it’s the pure green keeping - like, this morning I went and mowed grass for three hours.
“And that’s pretty nice.”
A big achievement of which Terry is proud is the annual Webex tournament, hosted by the Cobram Barooga Golf Club for the last four years.
It’s a stressful time for Terry and his team, but he’s proud of what they pull off.
“I didn’t even watch the first one because I thought, ‘I can’t look because I’m not going to be happy with that’,” he said.
“But look, it is a great thing, and to be a part of that in your own little golf club in the country is a proud moment for all of us who are involved here.
“To have members proud of their club because of what we do is a really nice feeling.”
For those who appreciate their green kept in an immaculate state, rest assured, Terry has no plans to retire any time soon.
Terry with Women in Turf Volunteers (L-R) Vicki Liddington, Ella Arter, Emma Lewis, Abbey Taylor, Chrissy Wilson and Olivia Cowan.
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Even after 40 years in the field, he still finds pleasure in the small things.
You might just find him, for instance, out on the greens astride a ride-on - even after hours.
“The phone stops ringing about four o’clock,” he said.
“And I’ll just go out and enjoy mowing a bit of grass.”