But, four students from Kyabram P-12 College have brought a fresh approach to delivering news at Warramunda Village.
As part of the college's Community Connections program, students become newsreaders, presenting the digital edition of the village's Waggles newsletter to residents with visual or technological challenges.
The students spent an hour reading directly from the newsletter while the digital version was projected onto large screens behind them.
This innovative approach allowed residents to experience the benefits of the new digital platform while maintaining a personal touch.
Warramunda Village chief executive John Clark praised the initiative.
“It has been received very well, but not all our residents are ‘tech-savvy’ and having the students read to them while the digital edition is enlarged on our screens was a great way to show our residents the benefits of having the new platform available to deliver the news,” he said.
“I know the residents were really appreciative of the efforts of the students and having seen them read the news first hand, I think it is something we would love to continue.”
The four Year 9 students — Ronin, Jonno, Kaitlyn, and Lily — rotated through various stories, including milestone birthdays and updates on village renovations.
They read in different areas of the village, concluding in the main dining room before lunch.
The college’s community connections coordinator Janine Kreymborg was excited about the mutual benefits the program brings.
“We are excited about continuing this partnership with the village and expanding the number of students who are given the opportunity to mix with some of our oldest and knowledgeable residents,” she said.
The initiative is part of Warramunda's broader efforts to engage with the community.
The village has also partnered with former champion footballer Mick Lovison to conduct fortnightly men's bus trips, and is in talks with Goulburn Valley Water for potential visits to the Dunyak Moira Fishing Ponds in Merrigum.
The dedicated team at Warramunda Village continuously seeks ways to engage residents in experiences out in the community.
“I know the activities team are always looking to expand on our activities program, and things like this partnership with Kyabram P-12 College are a wonderful way to do that,” Mr Clark said.