Alight: Firefighters had to fight a fire in the Strathbogies on Monday that started after a lightning strike.
Photo by
Rodney Braithwaite
A fire in the Strathbogie Ranges that burned about one hectare of land on Monday was started after lightning hit a tree.
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CFA District 22 commander Peter Bell said about 10 CFA trucks and a firebombing helicopter were needed to control the blaze which was spotted around 1.10pm.
Mr Bell said the fire started from a lightning strike on Sunday night near Forlonge Memorial Rd at Euroa, but took until Monday afternoon to get going.
He said the steep, hilly terrain had made the fire harder to fight because of access issues.
It took about an hour to get under control.
With the fire spreading from a paddock into Crown land, Forest Fire Management Victoria crews took over the control of the fire later on Monday afternoon and by about 4.30pm the fire was contained.
Fire Management Victoria crews patrolled the area into the evening.