Occupation: District wool manager at Elders.
Who is/are the most important person/people in your life: My family.
What was your childhood ambition: To run a sheep station.
What is your fondest memory: My kids being born.
What is your favourite album: Any by AC/DC.
What is your favourite movie: Mad Max.
What is your favourite book: The Cattle King by Ion Idriess.
If you could invite three people over for dinner, dead or alive, who would they be: Steve Irwin, Peter Brock and Shane Warne.
What is your favourite holiday destination: Noosa.
What is your speciality in the kitchen: Toast.
What is your favourite scent: Rain.
What is your favourite meal and drink: Crumbed cutlets and coffee.
What do you think you’ll be doing in 10 years from now: Driving around the district looking for wool growers.
What do you want to be remembered for: Being a good bloke.
What is your life motto: Work hard, play hard.