Occupation: Swim centre area manager.
Who is/are the most important person/people in your life: My kids.
What was your childhood ambition: To be a vet.
What is your fondest memory growing up: My animals.
What is your favourite album: Any by Dolly Parton.
What is your favourite movie: I don’t really watch movies.
What is your favourite book: Pet Sematary by Stephen King.
If you could invite three people over for dinner, dead or alive, who would they be: My parents and one of my aunties.
What is your favourite holiday destination: Anywhere there is water.
What is your speciality in the kitchen: If you ask my kids, they’d say my chocolate coconut slice.
What is your favourite scent: Vanilla.
What is your favourite meal and drink: Casserole meal and Milo for a drink.
What do you think you’ll be doing in 10 years from now: Still be working around a pool, and hopefully being a grandma.
What do you want to be remembered for: The amount of people that could’ve been saved by me having taught them how to swim.
What is your life motto: There is no such word as can’t.