District residents and visitors are reaching for the skates and visiting up the latest pop-up ice skating rink in town.
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Southern Magic ice skating manager Annie Clark said after the success of the Winter Fun Zone she was keen to bring the activity back for the holidays.
“It was a huge success in winter especially in the mall. It was great for the local businesses and people travelling,” she said.
“It's not hot enough for people to start swimming yet and there's still snow on the mountains, so it's great timing.”
She said the warmer weather made for a comfortable experience.
“It's not as cold as it was in winter, so spectators are able to enjoy it more and the smaller rink allows parents to keep an eye on the children from the side lines,” Ms Clark said.
The pop-up ice rink is at 575 Wyndham St, Shepparton, and is open daily during the school holidays, from 10 am to 7 pm.