Cr Anthony Brophy moved a motion to adopt the revised policy, but included another change where a venue club is of a competitive status at a regional, state, national or international standing and is participating in a professionally live-streamed event.
Under Cr Brophy’s change, the covering of existing signage for the event could be signed off by the chief executive rather than requiring permission from the sign owners.
Cr Brophy told the July meeting that Deakin Reserve was an example of co-tenants working harmoniously over many decades, but his amendment to the policy would make it simpler for higher level events such as AFL matches or the Commonwealth Games.
“If Commonwealth Games was here their signage would cover up any non-major supporters of the Commonwealth Games,” he said.
“If they cannot agree, this can come into play.”
Cr Geoff Dobson spoke against the change, arguing that existing signs were the result of commercial agreements and arbitrary decisions may open council to legal challenge.
“Whilst I agree in principle with the theory, the consequences could be slightly beyond the council’s ability to handle it in house,” he said.
“I would prefer if we get international, national and regional sporting events coming, let’s sit down for a few hours and talk about it and get the parties to agree.”
Cr Dinny Adem agreed in principle with the change.
“The simpler the policy the better normally, but we need the ability to react when we get international events,” he said.
Cr Brophy said the prospect of equity claims, which could lead to legal action including injunctions, was only raised at the 11th hour.
“It is interesting the question of legalities is raised minutes before this meeting,” he said.
The motion passed 6-1, with Cr Dobson voting against.