The Elmore Events Centre in northern Victoria will host the new dairy show.
Come November, dairy farmers across all breeds will have the opportunity to participate in a new dairy show, hosted by the All Breeds Show Society.
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The ABSS is an independently run, not-for-profit society, focused on providing an opportunity for people to show their cows, no matter what breed.
The new show will be held at the Elmore Events Centre in northern Victoria on November 15 and 16.
The main features of the event will include a youth show on the Saturday with junior and senior challenges, while in-milk classes will be held on the Sunday.
The show will also feature the new “it’s a knockout class’’ which provides the winner with the chance to pocket 80 per cent of the total prize pool and the runner-up 20 per cent (cost $50 per entry).
Organiser Linda Leach is no stranger to organising big events at Elmore, having a long and extensive history running the popular horse events at the venue.
This will be the first time a dairy show has been held at the Elmore site.
She said with the demise of the dairy show at Melbourne Royal, the ABSS would help fill the gap for spring-calved animals.
“We are focusing on a low-cost, all-breed event in a fun and friendly atmosphere that will enable people of all ages and abilities to participate in a top-notch event at Elmore,” Linda said.
“We think there is a real opportunity out there for another show on the dairy calendar and we are hoping the dairy community will get on board and support us.
“We have a group of people involved with representatives from all the breeds who are excited about the potential for the event and the location.”
Like all new events, the committee is expecting some teething problems, but it is keen to get its first show up and running.
“We are requesting donations and sponsorship, and the more people who support us the better we can make each show — all profits will be used to showcase and promote all the breeds in attendance,” Linda said.
“The Winter Fair has gone on to become one of the premier shows in the country, and we hope to do the same, just across all breeds.”
Linda said the facilities at Elmore were outstanding and provided an extremely cost-effective alternative.
“There is plenty of space for camping on powered sites with access to toilets and showers and the shed facilities are truly amazing,” she said.
“I have run a lot of highly successful horse events at Elmore and I hope to transfer that across to dairy.”
Horse events are regularly held at Elmore.
Elmore Events Centre executive manager Derek Shotton said the team was looking forward to the dairy show in November.
He said the centre hosted around 50 to 60 events a year and this will be the first time dairy will be added to the list.
“Hosting a cattle event will enable us to showcase our large, grassed arena and our indoor arena and multi-purpose animal housing facilities,” Derek said.
The Elmore site spans 160ha with a 35ha static display area, which includes the yards, sheds and camping area. It hosts the well-known Elmore Field Days every October.
“We have a pretty packed schedule, and it is a bit of a juggling act sometimes, but quite a few years ago we made a conscious decision to invest in our infrastructure and diversify into a multiple use facility,” Derek said.
“We are constantly renewing our infrastructure to keep things fresh and modern, and I don’t think you would find a better grassed and irrigated arena than the one we have here.”
For more information on the event, phone Scott Somerville on 0408 846221, Linda Leach on 0438 034 985 or email