Local shoppers were thankful for the calm approach of one customer when they were startled by a baby brown snake recently.
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The slithery little reptile was spotted on the floor of one of the shops in the Hardinge St shopping complex, near the registers.
Thankfully for the shoppers and staff who were a little scared, one woman in the line waiting to be served appeared to have a little more experience than the others.
A reader told us she took the container she was waiting to buy, placed it over the snake and then used its lid to carefully scoop it up.
It was then taken to the open land behind the shopping complex and let go.
This is not the first time we’ve heard reports of a baby brown snake inside local shops this season, and several other outdoor sightings have been reported via social media channels recently.
Make sure to keep an eye out, wherever you are.
Meet your candidate
It won’t be long until we will be faced with that all important choice - who do we want representing us in the Federal Government.
That means we’ll start seeing candidates coming out of the woodwork in Farrer.
Liberal incumbent Sussan Ley was the first to confirm she would be standing again, followed soon after by independent candidate Michelle Milthorpe.
Labor’s candidate, Tocumwal’s Glen Hyde, was announced this week.
Locals will have a chance to learn more about Ms Milthorpe and her political intentions when she attends the Deniliquin Show tomorrow.
Volunteers for her campaign will be running a stall, and Ms Milthorpe herself will be in attendance at the stand and taking a look around the show.
She’ll be happy to speak with you, and learn more about your needs for Farrer in the next term of government.
Booting inequity
The Country Education Foundation of Edward River Region was established to provide much needed financial assistance and support to local youth to help them achieve their post high school education, training and vocation aspirations.
The local community has an opportunity to help the group with that goal through the Boot Bash on March 14.
Businesses, community groups and schools are invited to get on board and host their own events.
It could be a 'wear your boots to work day' (gold coin donation), a barbecue, morning tea, bake sale or other type of fundraising event.
If you’re interested in working with CEFERR on a fundraiser, contact Mel Broadbent on 0419 204 295.
Is crime thinning out?
It was pleasing to see that an arrest was made recently for a break and enter in Mathoura, and it is hoped it will deter other potential lawbreakers.
Our region has experienced a prolonged wave of brazen crime since last year, from break and enters, to vehicle and property theft.
The arrest made last week is a small win for the community and police.
Local police are also making a more concerted effort to communicate with and listen to the community, including through the Coffee with a Cop initiative in Deniliquin and Mathoura.
It seems the collaborative approach may have had some affect.
But, now is not the time to be complacent.
We all have a role to play in protecting ourselves and our neighbours from property related crime.
It starts with making sure we make every effort to secure all valuables, and we must also think of the ‘if you see something, say something’ mantra.
Along these lines, a Deniliquin Neighbourhood Watch Group has been formed and intends to conduct random watch patrols through the community.
If you would like to join or support this group, contact Diego Sztejman on 0423 928 553.
Grant clarification
In Tuesday’s edition, we reported on Edward River Council’s decision to divert $363,170 in Local Roads and Community Infrastructure program to other projects.
In that report, we said $40,000 would be used to refurbish Sexton’s Hut at the Deniliquin Cemetery.
The funding is actually earmarked for the amenities building adjacent Sexton’s Hut, which is being considered for either refurbishment or replacement.
The remaining funding has been allocated to Deniliquin Stadium upgrades ($100,000), Deniliquin VRA Rescue Squad station upgrades ($73,170) and to complete electrical and infrastructure upgrades at the Deniliquin Saleyards to support electronic ID for sheep ($150,000).