Outdoor space: Guests were entertained in the undercover outdoor function area at MOVE.
Photo by
Rodney Braithwaite
Kialla’s Museum of Vehicle Evolution officially opened in grand style on Saturday night.
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MOVE has been open to the public since September but officially celebrating opening of the $6 million project had to wait until restrictions eased to allow public events.
Glistening vehicles, trucks with acres of polished chrome, motorcycles, the Loel Thomson Clothing Collection, Farren Bicycle Collection and the iconic Furphy Museum are all housed under one gigantic roof.
MOVE chair Frank Papallo said the rows of legendary pieces of transport told a wonderful story of hard work, endeavour, sacrifice, family and loyalty.
He said the willingness of the community to give back had underpinned the expansion of MOVE.
“If the community needs something done, the community comes together to make it happen. That is the story of MOVE,” he said.
“I am so proud to have been a part of building MOVE because it exemplifies the goodness that is the heart and soul of our community.”
Peter Hill, who served as chair during the project’s inception and has now joined MOVE as executive officer, said the project benefited from industry, community and business support as well as funding from the Federal Government, Victorian Government and Greater Shepparton City Council.
Jim and Angela Andreadis were recognised for their significant contribution to MOVE, including the gifting of the land and buildings to ensure its ongoing success as a community asset.
“I can say without absolutely any fear of contradiction that without Jim's drive, persistence, and connections within the community, we would all be standing in a paddock tonight and not talking about the Museum of Vehicle Evolution,” Mr Hill said.
The Andreadis family was bestowed the number one MOVE membership in perpetuity.
Mr Andreadis then officially declared MOVE open.
In attendance: Nathan Findlay and Zoe Suratman of Shepparton.
Photo by
Rodney Braithwaite
All smiles: Liz and Scott Butler of Shepparton.
Photo by
Rodney Braithwaite
Enjoying the event: Di Lewis, Michelle Stringer and Greg Lewis of Shepparton.
Photo by
Rodney Braithwaite
Helping launch new museum: Natassja Mawson and Daina Coulter of Kialla.
Photo by
Rodney Braithwaite
Impressive MOVE: Laurence and Debbie Hicks of Nathalia.
Photo by
Rodney Braithwaite
Road trip to see new facilities: Peter Moran and Carly Severino Moran of Melbourne.
Photo by
Rodney Braithwaite
Gee, this museum’s great: Anna and Alex Gee, Kialla.
Photo by
Rodney Braithwaite
Learning about motoring history: Carl and Leah Byrne of Kialla.
Photo by
Rodney Braithwaite
Having a top time: Merv and Christa Walker from Shepparton.
Photo by
Rodney Braithwaite
Grand entrance: A string quartet played as guests wandered through the museum.
Photo by
Rodney Braithwaite
Big rigs: Guests enjoy the Kenworth Dealer Truck Pavilion. Picture: Rodney Braithwaite
Photo by
Rodney Braithwaite
Big launch: MOVE guests admire the displays.
Photo by
Rodney Braithwaite