Shepparton has had more than double the historical average rainfall this month, so if you noticed a harsher storm or two, you wouldn’t be alone.
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This year, the highest amount of rain to fall in one day in Shepparton for the month was a very high 65.8mm on Wednesday, October 4.
This is the highest rainfall in a single day in October since records began in Shepparton in 1965.
In October this month, there was a total rainfall of 74.8mm, which is far more than the historical mean of 35.4mm, as recorded by the Bureau of Meteorology at the Shepparton Airport over the past 27 years.
In saying that, last year’s total rainfall for October was 151.6mm which was, of course, the floods of 2022.
The coldest daytime temperature was on the same day as the highest rainfall, October 4, which was a chilly 13.8℃.
This year, rain fell on eight days during October — which is right on the mean, if not slightly below, with the historical average sitting at 8.6 days of rain.
Daytime temperatures in Shepparton were slightly colder this October compared to other years, with a mean temperature of 20.9ºC.
This compares to the historical monthly daytime average of 22.2℃.
The warmest day this year was on October 29, when the mercury reached 30.5℃.
Night-time temperatures were meeting the historical average of 7.5℃ taken over the past 27 years, with a mean of 7.4℃ this month.
The warmest night this October was 14.7℃ on October 21, while the coldest saw the mercury plummet to 3℃ on October 26.