The Shepparton and District Dahlia Club will be hosting its annual Dahlia Show, and anyone can enjoy the event on Saturday, March 22 from noon to 4pm, and Sunday, March 23 from 9am to 3pm.
The show will take place at the Congupna Community Hall, with an entry fee of $5.
Winners will be acknowledged and recognised through a presentation held on Sunday, 3pm.
“All I can say to all of our members and so forth is good luck,” Shepparton Dahlia and District Club president Rodney Clarke said.
“It’s just a big, wonderful, happy family we’ve got now, so we’ll all enjoy each other’s company and that sort of thing.
“I think everybody will thoroughly enjoy it.”
Look forward to a range of events over the two days, including:
- A variety of plants and bouquets for sale
- Morning and afternoon tea — with a sausage sizzle on Saturday
- Raffle with various prizes — including a quilt donated to the Shepparton Dahlia Club worth $1000
- ‘Flower Arranging 101’ free workshop with Shepparton Dahlia Club secretary Jamie Adams
- ‘Dahlias 101’ free workshop with Deb Collett on Saturday.
Anyone looking to showcase a dahlia grown at home can bring it along to be featured in the Gardener’s Dahlia Class.
“If there’s anybody out there that’s got a dahlia in their garden that they absolutely think that’s quite nice, bring it in,” Mr Clarke said.
“We’ll help them stage it.”
A junior exhibition will be included as well, with flowers provided by the club to give the little ones an opportunity to partake in their own competition.
“A lot of people have a few extras over what they put up,” Mr Clarke said.
“We just get them delivered to us and then we say to the little kids, ‘you go ahead and pick out what you like’, and then we make up a little championship for them and they’ll all get a prize.
“(It’s) just to encourage them — down the track they might grow some dahlias.”
Don’t miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of dahlias and community spirit.
To find out more, visit
And keep an eye out for updates on the Shepparton Dahlia Club’s Facebook page,