A petrol station in the main street of Jerilderie has burnt down. Photo courtesy Fire & Rescue. Photo courtesy Fire + Rescue NSW.
Deniliquin Fire and Rescue crews have assisted with a structure fire in Jerilderie on Wednesday afternoon.
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Initial reports were of a service station alight with neighbouring houses and other buildings being impacted by heat and smoke.
Fire and Rescue Jerilderie responded and quickly arrived on scene to be confronted by the building fire, which was being used as an automotive workshop
The well advanced fire was producing a large amount of smoke and strong winds were fanning the fire making an immediate impact on a house next door, other buildings, including a school, and electrical infrastructure downwind..
Fire and Rescue NSW firefighters immediately got to work to fight the fire and protect exposures near the Newell Highway premises.
Additional support was provided by Fire and Rescue NSW firefighters fromFinley andBerrigan with specialist Fire and Rescue NSW hazmat firefighters from Deniliquin and Wagga Wagga also dispatched along with the Duty Commander and Zone Commander.
Recognising that this major incident required more firefighting resources, NSW RFS - Mid-Murray Zone were requested to respond, and they provided a bulk water supply capacity and firefighters.
The complex nature of the incident requiredFire and Rescue NSW hazmat firefighters to manage the firefighting water runoff as it contained engine oil which presented an environmental threat to Billabong Creek, a major local waterway.
The engine oil was removed using hazmat pumps after consultation with Murrumbidgee Council and the spillage rendered safe.
Unfortunately, despite the very best efforts of all firefighters, the service station building was destroyed, and the nearby house sustained major damage.
The cause of the fire is subject to investigation by NSW Police.