Speaking to The Riv, Ms Blasko said she had just come off the busiest week of her tour so far, which began more than three months ago.
Despite pin-balling between shows and states, she said being on the road had been an enjoyable experience.
“It’s been a really beautiful tour. I’ve been proud of how it’s been perceived, how it’s been taken, and just felt a great connection with the audiences,” Ms Blasko said.
“I guess the message of the show and everything has had a bit more power than I even expected.”
The message is broadly about coming to terms with your past self, and deciding who to be moving forward — an idea brought about by Ms Blasko’s children and her religious upbringing.
“In 2020 I had a baby, and a really long-term friendship of mine ended. The friendship was very much rooted in my religious past,” Ms Blasko said.
“So I think when that ended, it brought up all of the sort of religious guilt.”
Ms Blasko met her friend at a Pentecostal Church congregation about 20 years ago, and both have since left the church, which she said led to a period of recovery.
“There’s an intensity to a place like that, emotionally,” Ms Blasko said.
“To come out of that with somebody is an intense experience.”
She said the church promoted the idea that the rest of society was separate to its members, which had a particular impact on Ms Blasko.
Since leaving, she has made an effort to be more engaged with the world, and said her children had reminded her to be more present.
“There’s good in the world, you know, there’s good in other people, and I really needed to be reminded of that.”
Ms Blasko has been performing her latest album in full during the tour to communicate its meaning, coupled with technicolour visuals made by artist SPOD.
Her album debuted at number six on the ARIA Australian album chart, and was crowned as a Double J Feature Album.
The ARIA award-winning artist will be joined by talented songwriter and performer Eliza Hull at the Paramount from 4pm on Sunday.
For limited tickets and more information, visit www.sarahblasko.com