Roadworks on Beer Rd in Moama began six months ago.
Photo by
Ryan Bellingham
The roadworks on Beer Rd in Moama, also known as Martin Rd, are set to be completed in the next three weeks.
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The works at the intersection with the Cobb Hwy were originally on track to be done over a six-week period from September to November last year.
Although the road is overseen by both Murray River Council and Transport NSW, the works are being carried out by Northern Construction Group and other parties.
Northern Construction Group director Damian Smith said the delays had been caused by design changes.
“We’ve been impacted by a couple of design changes that were brought in the last couple of weeks,” he said.
“While it doesn’t appear it out on site, there’s been a fair bit of work done internally to get the designs correct.
“We anticipate we’ll be back on site by the middle of next week with an anticipated completion date within 14 to 16 days.”
The original design was done by an external party and had to be revised after it was identified that the widths of the turning lanes were not wide enough to accommodate B-doubles and road trains.
Although the issue was identified late, the design changes were necessary for the safety of all road users.
There were a few other issues in the early days of the works that also contributed to the delay, including the unforeseen need to move water mains, and wet weather.
Residents of Beer Rd will soon have easy access to the Cobb Hwy again.
Photo by
Ryan Bellingham
Mr Smith apologised for the delays and inconvenience caused to the residents living on Beer Rd.
“The whole project was supposed to have been finished before Christmas but the rain we got in late November early December did stop that,” he said.
“We were on track to be finished in January, but when these issues were raised, it forced a cease of works, which I’m sure is extremely frustrating for the public not understanding why it’s not finished and why there’s no-one on site.
“It’s not our intention and we’re extremely apologetic for the delays and inconvenience it has caused to the local residents.”
He added that Transport NSW and Murray River Council had been supportive.
“Transport NSW and (Murray River Council) have both been fantastic and extremely patient,” he said.