Building owner Lester Wheatley received confirmation last Friday.
It was the first time he'd had formal communication regarding the future of the business since news parent company Mosaic Brands went into receivership in October.
Mr Wheatley said this formal notification triggers a ramping up of efforts to refill the empty shopfront.
It was through a similar process that Mr Wheatley secured Rivers for Denilqiuin.
It opened in 2021 after Target closed its doors in 2020.
The Target closure was also due to a rationalisation of stores by its parent company.
Deniliquin’s Rivers store is one of 136 closing, impacting a total of about 650 employees.
In a statement released in late January, receivers KPMG voluntary administrators FTI Consulting announced that attempts to sell the Rivers business had been unsuccessful.
“The Receivers have made the difficult decision to wind down this iconic Australian brand,” a statement on the decision said.
The size and proximity of the Rivers building makes for a "fantastic opportunity“ for an existing business to expand or a new business to come to Deniliquin, Mr Wheatley said.