To achieve these, you will need to change some behaviours, make some sacrifices and apply self-discipline to see success.
And all change starts in our minds.
Romans 12:2 states, “Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think”.
We renew our minds by allowing old thought patterns to be challenged and changed.
When our minds are changed, we follow, and changes take place from inside out.
As our perspective changes, so too does attitude and behaviour, and therefore our world.
The bible has lots of good advice on new ways of thinking for a better year.
For instance, “Forget what happened long ago! Don’t think about the past” (Isaiah 43:18 CEV).
The past itself cannot be changed, the future can.
“He (Jesus) came to heal the broken-hearted and announce freedom for prisoners and captives” (Isaiah 61:1 CEV).
This includes prisons of flawed thinking and behaviours.
The Bible tells us to “cast down imaginations” (2 Corinthians 10:5) and instead “Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honourable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.” (Philippians 4:8 (NLT).
As Sadhguru penned, “you cannot suffer the past or the future because they do not exist. What you are suffering from is your memory and your imagination”.
When we take God’s words as truth, we move forward with hope, knowing, in alignment with Him, “all things are possible”.
Obstacles, problems and valleys are transformed into challenges, opportunities for renewed thinking, ideas and growth.
Through reading the Bible and Holy Spirit revelation, and acting on it, we allow God the opportunity to change us.
~ Contributed by Andrea Holmberg of Ignite Life Church, on behalf of the Combined Churches of Deniliquin.