That was a key message to Independent candidate for Farrer Michelle Milthorpe during a recent southern Riverina ‘listening tour’.
“Ensuring local voices are heard in decision-making processes is critical to achieving long-term sustainability and prosperity. Whether I’m talking to people in Deniliquin, Moama, Barham, Berrigan or surrounding communities, the message is the same.
“Residents are fed up with governments ignoring their issues, and the lack of representation on their behalf. There is a groundswell of support for an Independent candidate who will put the interests of the electorate first, instead of prioritising party politics,” Mrs Milthorpe said.
“The issues aren’t new, but people are getting frustrated at the lack of action. There are ongoing concerns around infrastructure, water buybacks, health, telecommunications and cross-border discrepancies. They get raised over and over again, but nothing happens.
“I want the opportunity to change that; to work for the people of Farrer, not for a political party.”
Mrs Milthorpe said regional communities deserve policies that reflect their needs, not city-centric decisions that leave them worse off. But if the concerns are to be addressed, the region needs strong representation, sustained advocacy and genuine investment in the future of these communities.
She said the impact of water buybacks was a common theme on her listening tour.
“If elected, I will not only be opposing buybacks but will also do everything in my power to convince other Independent candidates that there is a better way to delivery the Basin Plan.
“I keep getting told there are viable alternatives, but the Government will not listen and the Water Minister, Tanya Plibersek, has totally ignored the region, refusing numerous requests to visit and learn more. That’s a key issue with too many politicians; they won’t listen to local concerns. I want that to change.”
Mrs Milthorpe said there are also issues with local government that need to be addressed, in particular funding levels. Federal and state governments keep putting a
bigger financial burden on local councils, while at the same time reducing their financial contribution.
“Regional councils provide much more than their city counterparts, yet don’t have other revenue sources such as parking fees. They generally have to maintain many kilometres of roads, deliver essential services and provide swimming pools, sporting facilities and the like. Yet the financial pressure this brings is not recognised with appropriate federal funding.
“We need far greater collaboration between the various levels of government in regional communities so essential services are provided.
“It is time to stop ignoring our region. If we want more of the same, keep voting the same way. If we want change, it’s time to elect an Independent candidate who puts the needs of the community first. I would welcome the privilege of being that local Member of Parliament,” Mrs Milthorpe said.