Showing the way in keeping the grounds of the Rochester High School neat and tidy were these four lads, from left, Brendan Hicks, Tony Kuiper, Wayne Field and Ian Glasson. If the example of these lads with the brooms and wheelbarrow, was closely followed by residents, the the country side would have a much better appearance.
Photo by
Campaspe News
50 years ago March 1975
Hundreds of former Elmore district residents are expected to return this weekend for the monster back-in Elmore celebrations, which will commence on Good Friday.
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The Back-to Elmore has been arranged to celebrate the centenaries of the Elmore Primary School and the Elmore Methodist Church, and the organisation has been conducted by the Elmore Progress Group.
A great deal of interest has been generated in the back-to and the township is all geared to one of the greatest weekends in Elmore’s long history.
Ballendella are the champions of the Rochester Churches and District Tennis Association, following their victory in Saturday’s grand final at the Rochester Lawn Tennis courts.
Ballendella, a hard court team, got away to a great start, by winning the first two men’s sets, 6-2, 6-4, and the opening ladies’ set 6-1, and although the home team, Lawn Red, fought back, they could not catch up the big leeway, to go down by five games.
Just scraping into the final four, Ballendella, then steam rolled their way to the top in great fashion.
Elmore Waratahs captured two of the minor premierships, A Reserve and B-grade; Rochester Lawn were too strong in B Reserve, while in the C-grade Colbinabbin took the honours in the closest final of the day.
Popular secretary of the Lockington Young Farmers Club, Miss Elaine Hewlett, was named District Council Festival Girl at the recent Young Farmers Festival Day staged at Lockington Consolidated School.
The Lockintgon club more than doubled the score of their nearest rivals to win the aggregate award with 166 points from Kyabram with 67 points. They were followed by Rochester with 34 points and Girgarre two points.
Successful contestants in the ANZ bank's Young Farmer competition for a trip to New Zealand were Misses Wendy Killeen and Jannice Hann (Lockington). From left: Mr J.C. Turner (state manager of the ANZ bank), Jannice Hann (reserve award), Wendy Killeen (trip winner) and Lady Curtis ( a member of the judging panel).
Photo by
Campaspe News
25 years ago March 2000
A farm safety program put together by Elmore health workers Anne McEvoy and Tracey Roney is about to attract international attention.
They have been selected to present a paper on the program to the Primary Health Care 2000 International conference in Melbourne.
Anne McEvoy and Tracey Roney are off to Melbourne to present a paper on the successful farm safety program they put together last year.
Photo by
Campaspe News
They will incorporate a video made of the Farm Safety Day held for district children.
‘’Farm safety begins with the children,’’ Tracey said.
‘’We saw the need for children to identify for themselves what the dangers were around the farm property.’’
Tracey said it was ‘’quite a coup’’ to have a paper selected for presentation at an international conference.
Colbinabbin section on tennis player Matt Ryan finally held a premiership shield in his hands on Saturday after 28 years of playing for the Colbo side in Rochester and Churches District Tennis Association.
The Colbinabbin combination of Ryan, Andrew Brown, Damien Ellis, Chris Ryan, Tamara Ryan, Narelle Cheatley, Diana Cheatley and Debbie Weppner defeated the Lawn side seven sets to three, 48 games to 13.
After 28 years playing tennis for Colbinabbin in the Rochester and Churches District Tennis Association, Matt Ryan (centre front) snared his first premiership with more than a little help from section one team mates (from back left) Andrew Brown, Damien Ellis, Chris Ryan, Tamara Ryan; (front) Narelle Cheatley and Diana Cheatley. Absent at the time of the photo was Debbie Weppner.
Photo by
Campaspe News
It was a Colbinabbin day in section two as home town teams faced each other with the Gold side taking the points five sets to four, 41 games to 33.
In section three, Lawn were victors, section four saw St Joseph’s Gold get up for a win and Colbinabbin sealed victory in section five.
10 years ago March 2015
Timmering is hardly a place you would travel halfway around the world to see.
Unless your surname is Timmering, of course.
Adrian Timmering Snr and his son Adrian Jnr were determined to visit the only town in the world they believed shared their name.
After plans 15 years in the works, they finally arrived on Friday.
Adrian Jnr works for Google in Tokyo and when his father announced he was coming to visit from the Netherlands, the pair decided they were too close to the elusive town not to drop in.
Adrian said there were fewer than 50 Timmerings worldwide.
‘‘Our name is extremely rare, so naturally we were interested in the only town named Timmering, even if it was on the other side of the world,’’ Adrian Jnr said.
Rochester 1 was left to revel in its third consecutive Campaspe Tennis Association section one premiership on Saturday — a premiership which looked extremely unlikely close to the end.
Rochester trailed Rich River 1 by seven games going into the final two mixed sets, but came back to win 7-71 to 6-66.
Minor premier Rochester had to pack its A game to win after Rich River defeated it by six games two weeks ago.
Rochester 1 (back from left) Josh Lee, Jaycob Dingwall, Todd Woodfine, Elliott Taylor; (front) Kate Lee, Leisa Evans, Dianne Chandler, Karen Taylor and Rachael Major.
Photo by
Geordie Cowan
Rochester was lucky to fend off Colbinabbin’s attack but was more than ready for the grand final.
It had only been 15 minutes after arriving at the tennis courts that Josh Lee severely rolled his ankle during the warm-up.
The team did not have a man as an emergency and therefore hit the mobiles in a desperate attempt to find a qualified player from section 2A.