50 years ago March 1975
A three million dollar development plan has been announced for the Echuca District Hospital.
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The plan was announced at the nurses’ graduation ceremony in Echuca.
The announcement was made by hospital board president Mr Max Schoeffel, who said extensive plans for the development of services and facilities at the hospital would be undertaken by the hospital over the next 25 years.
Mr Schoeffel said on present day values, the plan calls for the expenditure of $3 million by 1981 and would result in a balanced complex capable of meeting the needs of Echuca and district until the year 2000.
The plan, which has been under consideration for 12 months, includes the addition of 87 beds for elderly patients.
A young Echuca man has been named top recruit at Australian Army Reserve recruits camp at Puckapunyal.
He is Peter Bond, 18, an apprentice motor mechanic. He was top of the 50 recruits throughout Victoria at the 14-day camp.
Recruit Bond is a member of the Echuca platoon, which is part of C Company, based in Shepparton.
The officer-in-charge of C Company, Major A Stevens, said yesterday nine members of C Company attended the camp.
He said it covered a wide range of subjects including drill, equipment and rifle shooting.
The council has decided to appoint a sub-committee consisting of Crs Hart, Evans and Snow to investigate the proposal of a tourist scheme park and also cost it.
The plan divides the area into two — one section for motor vehicles and the other — a fauna and flora reserve — closed to vehicles.
It provides for picnic spots, aviaries, lagoons, animals and native tree plantations.
Cr Hart said he had allowed for two grids to control the whole area.
The area is behind the caravan park, Victoria Park oval and the high school bounded by the Campaspe and Murray rivers.
25 years ago March 2000
Moama residents could have a special rate levy placed on them to help pay for the construction of the Moama levee bank.
Murray Shire Council has to meet one third of the estimated $2 million cost for the levee bank to be erected around the town.
The Federal and NSW governments would meet the other two thirds of the cost.
At the meeting, councillors voted to put a special rate on residents who live within the levee bank to cover at least some of council’s costs for its construction.
However, it hasn’t been decided whether Moama residents would meet all of council’s costs of if council would also contribute would also contribute part of the money from general purpose rates.
While it was decided that residents within the levee bank would have to pay the special rate, there was discussion on whether other Murray Shire residents would also contribute.
Boating enthusiasts took to the Murray River or its banks at the weekend to enjoy the annual Labour Day weekend boat regatta.
Having made its maiden voyage at last year’s regatta, SL (steam launch) Alma, with owner Kevin Wadley, was back among the boats taking part.
The boat, named after Kevin’s wife, is powered by a rare 1.8 horsepower steam engine.
Among the events around the Onion Patch and port over the weekend were a model boat display, races, a rubber duck derby and fireworks display and sailpast.
The status of the intersection of Northern Hwy and Strathallan Rd, south of Echuca, is to be investigated by the Campaspe Shire.
While the Northern Hwy is under the control of VicRoads, Campaspe Shire infrastructure manager Mike Bruty said the shire was responsible for the side roads.
‘’We are now looking to an investigation into the level of turning movements and safety at the intersection,’’ he said.
Concerns have been raised about turning from the highway into Strathallan Rd, particularly to the west, as the road is not wide enough to allow the traffic behind to pass.
The turning situation for large vehicles such as buses has become a concern for Rochester Secondary College.
The main problem the school has faced is when the bus heading towards Bamawm Extension in the afternoon turns west into Strathallan Rd.
10 years ago March 2015
A letter from Victorian Regional Development Minister Jaala Pulford has given hope for two of Echuca-Moama’s biggest infrastructure projects.
Ms Pulford, in a letter to Committee for Echuca Moama, said the government would allow the VicRoads environmental effects statement to be completed and presented to the government for consideration.
She also said planning would continue for a joint school combining Echuca West, South and Specialist schools.
C4EM chief executive Hayden Cock said while the government had not given any clear indication the projects would go ahead, it indicated they were not dead.
VicRoads regional manager Mal Kersting said the authority was ‘finalising’ its environment effects statement, which outlines a range of factors for consideration.
An inspiring 12-year-old from Echuca is determined to walk 50km in one week to help reduce the number of women forced to walk for hours every day just for water.
As part of the Walk In Her Shoes Challenge, Laura Kadri will aim to walk every day from Monday to March 22.
Laura is raising money for CARE Australia, which works to help women and girls in developing countries lift themselves out of poverty.
The gruelling challenge has been a goal of Laura’s since she travelled to Africa and saw the conditions women faced on a daily basis to receive the basics such as water, food and firewood.
Almost a year to the day since the Riverine Herald unveiled plans for a $14 million Homemaker Centre on the Murray Valley Hwy, the land still remains vacant.
Last year, developer William Guest said he hoped works would be complete by Christmas and, after 12 months of hurdles to overcome, he was confident stage one would be up and running before Santa comes down the chimney.
Mr Guest said he hoped to have the first tenants, expected to be a service station and fast food outlet, operational by the end of the year.
Mr Guest said negotiations were still continuing and he could not yet reveal the franchises which would fill the first two key tenancies.
RIV Herald