$21.9 million of capital works have been carried forward for projects that are being prioritised in this financial year with the total value of capital works budgeted for the 2023/24 financial year being $42.2m.
In terms of the types of projects being undertaken, $25.3 million is budgeted for upgrade and renewal works and $16.9 million for new projects.
Despite the Fair Go Rates System rate cap, the Capital Improved Vale (CIV) valuations increased an average 18% across the shire.
The 2023/24 Budget includes property CIV valuation data with valuations as at January, 1 2023.
Council explained that the CIV increase will not result in additional rates revenue of 18% in the 2023/24 financial year.
The 3.5% rates rise is the maximum allowed under state government rules.
Chief administrator John Tanner said council had to strike a “fair balance” that took into account the cost-of-living crisis and the need to ensure council services remained at a level expected by the community.
“Residents are feeling the pinch with mortgage rises, gas and electricity increases and the general cost of living,” Mr Tanner said.
“The council is also facing rising expenses ... We anticipate these pressures will extend to future years, placing greater emphasis on longer-term financial planning to ensure the council’s financial sustainability.
“In terms of neighbouring councils in the consideration of the rate cap all neighbouring councils but Wangaratta added the full 3.5%. Wangaratta was turned down to 2.9% but Benalla, Shepparton and Campaspe have all passed the 3.5% rate.”
Mr Tanner said the decision to raise rates was not taken lightly and that council sought feedback from the community before the increase was settled.
The community consultation sessions regarding the budget were held earlier this year in various locations, including Yarrawonga, Nathalia, Numurkah and Cobram.
Mr Tanner emphasised that the money raised would ultimately go back to the community.
“The additional revenue generated through this rise will enable us to invest in infrastructure, road maintenance, improved drainage, support for the operations and maintenance of pool and recreational facilities and with maintenance of parks and gardens,” he said.
“This is on top of other requirements to ensure the continued provision of reliable, efficient and innovative services.”
The Yarrawonga Library, Events and Performance Precinct and Yarrawonga Multisport Stadium remain the two major capital projects among others carried forward in the budget with several of the significant local projects to be constructed in the near future including:
•The Yarrawonga Library with a total project cost of $5,694,000 and council funding of $1,695,000
•Yarrawonga Multisport Stadium with a total project cost of $7,500,000 and council funding of $992,000
•Yarrawonga Depot renewal – stage 1 with a total project cost of $483,000, fully council funded.
•Woods Road Kerb and Channel with a total project cost of $421,000 and council funding of $71,000.
“A number of projects are highlighted in the budget as being subject to grant funding. Should grant funding for these projects not be successful, the project will not progress, highlighting the importance of grant funding to certain capital projects included in the budget,” Mr Tanner said.
Rate notices will be distributed from late July to council’s 18,000 ratepayers with quarterly payments due in September, November, February and May and lump sum payments due by February 2024.
Council has also maintained the government’s municipal rates concession for eligible pensioners who may be entitled to a reduction of up to 50 per cent of the municipal rates with a maximum concession of $253.20.
Key Yarrawonga and district projects in the Moira Shire Council 2023/24 adopted budget include:
Total costCouncil funding
Yarrawonga Multisport Stadium $7,500,000 $992,000
Yarrawonga Library $5,694,000 $1,695,000
Yarrawonga depot renewal $483,000 $483,000
Woods Road kerb and channel $421,000 $71,000
Yarrawonga Aerodrome - taxiway $263,000 $0
compliance works
Botts Road MVH Culvert Upgrade$196,000 $196,000
Public toilet Yarrawonga showgrounds$175,000 $0
Yarrawonga West drainage flood protection $160,000 $160,000
Fenced off-leash dog parks – $125,000 $63,000
Yarrawonga and Cobram
Bundalong Drainage overland flow $95,000 $95,000
path feasibility
Botts Road and MVH intersection works $72,000$72,000
Woodlands Park upgrade – stage one$60,000 $60,000
Bundalong - Pasley Street drainage$57,000$57,000
Acacia and Melaleuca Streets roadworks $50,000$50,000
Pyke St Bundalong drainage upgrade$100,000 $100,000