Those who believe in Jesus wait expectantly for the second coming of Christ.
When Jesus returns to the church, His bride will be united with Him forever at the wedding feast.
The groom will be united with his bride for all eternity.
This will be the perfect marriage because Jesus is perfect.
When we become believers in Christ, we are joined to Christ - we become His betrothed.
We are now living in the engagement phase.
Our role in our engagement to Christ is to prepare ourselves for His return.
Whilst we will never be perfect in this life, we have the responsibility to examine ourselves regularly to make sure we rid ourselves of sin.
It is only sin that separates us from God.
We have to examine our thoughts, our words, and our deeds.
All believers have the responsibility to live in the truth of God’s word.
We can’t hide anything from our God.
As we deal with sin in our lives we enter into a deeper relationship with God.
As we grow in our relationship with Him, He reveals more of Himself to us.
The marriage covenant we enter in this lifetime is a covenant unto death.
These marriages will not continue in heaven. They are a shadow of the marriage we will have with Christ.
Let’s all rejoice that Jesus loved us so much that He freely gave up His life so that we could be united with Him forever.
Everything in this life pales in significance to what we have been given in Christ.
~ Contributed by J Robertson