The CSP guides the development of council's plans, policies, budget and program of works.
Goals are set out under seven key topic areas: A place of environmental sensitivity; A place of progressive leadership; A place of liveable communities; A place of inclusion, culture and wellbeing; A place of prosperity and resilience; Connected communities; and Tomorrow’s technologies.
Last updated in the 2021/22 year, the CSP must be reviewed after every ordinary council election.
Murray River Council Mayor John Harvie said the document has now been refreshed ready for implementation in the 2025/2026 year.
“Our Community Strategic Plan builds on the foundations of the previous strategies and goals that were identified through the extensive CSP engagement undertaken in 2022,” he said.
“With many of the ideas and themes still relevant, this latest version of the CSP represents a refresh of the existing document rather than a complete redevelopment, ensuring continuity and alignment with ongoing community priorities.”
Prior to adoption, the draft 2025-35 CSP was on public exhibition and 16 submissions were received.
“The submissions received were primarily project-focused rather than speaking directly to the top-level strategies of the CSP,” Cr Harvie said.
“Therefore, the suggestions will be further investigated as we finalise the Delivery Program, which is the document that further details our agreed projects and actions.”
With the CSP now adopted, council will continue to finalise its four-year delivery program and one-year operational plan ready for implementation in the 2025/26 financial year.