The good late May and June rains have resulted in very good winter crop establishment. Some Finley Discussion Group farmers said the crop yield potential was high.
Most canola crops have full ground cover and wheat is tillering. Regular June rainfalls with Finley receiving 70mm so far, have promoted growth.
One farmer with Samira fababeans sown at the end of April was pleased with the progress of the crop on well-drained soil.
The farmers said the topsoil moisture has linked to the fallow subsoil moisture 60-80cm deep providing optimum plant moisture well into August.
Several farmers had patchy establishment from slugs and cutworms. Last year’s very wet October, November and December and stubbles are likely to have provided ideal moist soil conditions for slugs that resulted in bare crop areas.
They were controlled by baits. The regular rains have enabled re-sowing of bare areas suffering slug damage.
Fallow soil mineralisation was moderate as all canola crops are a healthy green and early tillering wheat crops are also a healthy green.
Farmers topdressed their canola crops at 100-180kgurea/ha before the good late May and before the June rains. We are currently in a neutral rainfall weather situation but drier weather with lower rainfall is predicted by BOM by August.
Rainfall is needed to activate topdressed urea fertiliser so I’m sure most topdressings will be before August. The rule of thumb for canola is that the last topdressing should be before the start of flowering in late July.
Wheat should be topdressed before the 1st node stage. It can also have a 2nd topdressing later, sometimes up to head emergence if it is followed immediately by a good rain or irrigation for extra protein and yield.
It is planned to have farmer discussion group meetings In August to view crop progress, measure soil moisture and assess disease and weed control.
The information in this article has been prepared in good faith based on available information and farmer feedback. John Lacy Consulting accepts no responsibility for any person acting on the advice expressed or implied in the document and disclaims all liability for any loss arising from any person relying on the information contained in the document.