Harley Hearse: a fitting last ride.
Photo by
Megan Fisher
Garry Merritt, owner of Merritt Funeral Services in Mooroopna, understands that funerals are extremely personal.
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A bike lover and boiler maker by trade, Mr Merritt has fabricated a hearse side-care that seamlessly attaches to his own Harley Davidson 1989 Heritage Softail.
“A lot of bike riders would rather go out on a Harley than in the back of a traditional hearse,” Mr Merritt said.
“It’s just a different option we offer for people.”
A fleet of motorbikes accompanying a rider on their final Harley ride is now a fairly regular sight in Mooroopna.
One motor bike enthusiast recently made use of the Harley hearse, starting his last ride from Macisaac Rd, Mooroopna, all the way to the crematorium in Bendigo.
“It took me two hours, because when I’ve got the coffin on it only goes about 80km,” Mr Merritt said.
Going out in style: Riding into the sunset.
Mr Merrit hires out the Harley hearse to other funeral directors across the state.
But only he rides the hearse bike.
Sometimes the Harley hearse is booked out three times a week, other times it sits in the garage for six months.
Mr Merritt said the Harley hearse, which he bought locally, is well loved among bike enthusiasts despite the initial misgivings of the previous owner.
“He was a bit hesitant to sell it at first because he loved it and he didn’t want some young bloke to wreck it,” he said.
“Then I told him what I was going to use it for he was rapt, and he said ‘just promise me one thing, when I go I get to ride in it’.”
The hearse has even won Best Custom Bike at a bike show in Tatura.