On the Couch returns for 2025, offering an informal discussion on current issues locally.
Photo by
Aidan Briggs
The Echuca Moama Apex Club has announced it is proudly presenting On The Couch this April.
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This year, the free event will focus on the impact of social media on adolescents with a discussion from a panel of specialists.
Member of the organising committee Clint Flanigan said the event offers a casual setting to address important local matters.
Organiser Clint Flanigan and headspace community engagement officer Jayden Howe.
Photo by
Aidan Briggs
“It’s an informal discussion with regards to a particular topic of interest that is of significance to not just adolescents, but just as persons within our community,” he said.
Mr Flanigan said social media and its impact was chosen as the event’s focus following community feedback.
“It’s one of those current topics that’s influencing all generations and all persons,” he said.
“We’ve addressed other topics in the past, mainly mood disturbance and anxiety, and this was one that was continually being highlighted as an area of interest.”
Educational and development psychologist Dr Chelsea Hyde, youth worker Liz Smith, and Victoria Police youth specialist officer Shane Roberts will address a range of social media questions on the night.
Headspace community engagement officer Jayden Howe will host and moderate the event, drawing insights from each specialist and their field.
Around 115 tickets have already been snapped up, which Mr Flanigan said was a great result this far out from the event and higher than previous years.
The free event begins at 7pm at the Moama Bowling Club on Wednesday, April 2.
A limited number of tickets are available at trybooking.com/CZQIO and donations to headspace can be made during the checkout process.