For most of the past two years we’ve been used to not going out, or at least not dining out.
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Oddie was taken by the opening of a new Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet in Epping, which is indeed a sign of the times.
The outlet is drive-through only. No restaurant, no seating, no counter.
Of course the flash new KFC has a Shepp connection, developed by the Retzos Group and with signage from Goulburn Valley Signmakers.
Pump up the jams
Sparking interest: Will Sparks’ new sign.
Photo by
Darren Linton
GV Signmakers has just completed another interesting project, a neon bedazzler for one of the world’s top DJs.
Will Sparks was named Australia’s top DJ in 2014 and has since risen to number 56 in DJ Magazine’s top 100.
The neon is destined for his recording studio in Queensland.
Cyber defence report
Hack is a term Oddie is familiar with, hacking is something that is a bit of a mystery.
Greater Shepparton City Council’s Audit and Risk Committee is more on the ball though, asking for a report on the cyber defences in light of an attack on systems at Stonnington City Council.
The report is due in February. The committee wanted it sooner but the new IT guru has just started in the job.