Celebrating 45 years, the Rotary Club of Numurkah will stage its Annual Art and Craft Exhibition in the Numurkah Town Hall from Friday, March 7 to Monday, March 10.
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With prize money of $10,000 offered, organising committee chairman Chris Sutton expressed how encouraged the organisers were by the entries received from local artists as well as from throughout Victoria, NSW, South Australia and Queensland.
Entries include traditional landscape, still life and modern styles in all mediums and will present an engaging exhibition for the public to view and appreciate, with all art exhibits available for purchase.
Judge Glenda Cornell Cardwell will select the Best in Show Award valued at $1500, plus the runner-up $500 award and four Highly Commended Awards in watercolour, oil, pastel and acrylic and regional artist.
Each valued at $200, these awards are non-acquisitive, and the works are also eligible for purchase.
In the photography section, the following awards will be offered: $200 Framed Photographic Award, $100 Runner-up Award, $100 Digital Art Award and $100 Theme Photo ‘Heritage of Numurkah’ Award.
For the crafts, awards are: $500 Best Craft Entry, $100 Other Textiles, $100 Woodwork, Metalwork and Pottery and the $100 Quilt Award.
Since its inception in 1981, the exhibition has raised over $334,000 for local charities.
The proceedings from this year’s exhibition will go towards local Rotary charity projects.
The official opening will take place on Friday evening and will be led by Numurkah 150th Anniversary committee chair Jeff Blackley.
Beverages such as beer, champagne and wine from Monichino will be on sale, with musical entertainment provided before the official opening by Penny and Mathew Randall.
Following the official opening, the judges, Glenda Cornell, Fiona Carruthers and Doug Spowart, will announce the winners from various sections.
Dinner will begin after the official opening.
Glenda Cornell will be this year’s art judge.
Being a self-taught artist, Glenda started her career by drawing caricatures for workmates at the Kyabram hospital.
When Glenda began exhibiting her work in local art shows, she received corporate and private commissions from all around the world, including England, Scotland, New Zealand, Ireland and the United States.
Glenda now owns her own gallery in the heart of the Historical Port of Echuca called Glenda Cornell’s Whistle Shop Studio Gallery.
The craft judge for this year is Fiona Carruthers.
Fiona’s passion for fibre arts began in childhood, nurtured by her grandmother and mother. However, she only started pursuing it seriously as an adult.
Fiona is also a seasoned crocheter, spinner and weaver, and considers herself a fabric and fibre artist.
She considers it a privilege to judge the show’s craft section this year, and eagerly anticipates seeing the entrants’ creations.
She wishes all participants the best of luck.
The photography judge will be Doug Spowart.
Doug has been influential in Australian creative industries as an artist, educator, curator, commentator and reviewer.
Doug’s passion for photography has been a constant since his early days in the Numurkah Camera Club, which was founded in the mid-1960s by his mother, Ruby, and her brother Frank Yarwood.
Patrons are asked to cast their vote for the People’s Choice Award, with a $100 prize awarded to the winning artist.
With the Art and Craft Exhibition, the Rotary Club is conducting a raffle of a painting named Doorway to Greece by Thel Cardwell valued at $350 as the first prize, and a photograph by Joan Barker, Morning Glory, valued at $80 as second prize.
Tickets can be purchased from any Rotary club member, or at the door of the exhibition.
The winner will be drawn at 4pm after the exhibition, with the winner published in the Numurkah Leader on Wednesday, March 12.
The exhibition will be open Friday, March 7 from 7pm to 10pm, Saturday and Sunday, March 8 and 9 from 10am to 6pm before the final day on Monday, March 10 from 10am to 4pm.
Admission for the opening night, including dinner, will be $10, with patrons charged $5 for the remainder of the exhibition.
Admission prices include a copy of the catalogue of the works on display.
All art entries on display are for sale.
Numurkah and District Historical Society, in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Numurkah, is proud to present a collection of photos, sketches, prints and paintings depicting aspects of Numurkah and District’s heritage as part of the town’s 150th anniversary celebrations.
These items will be on display in the Council Chambers and President’s Room adjoining the Town Hall during this year’s Rotary Art Show. Many of the items come from local artists and photographers.
Entry will be available through the Information Centre on Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
The historical society will also display handicraft items from the past, including embroidery, knitting and crochet.
These items will be on display in the Supper Room while the art show is on.
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